all ..... sorry for the mistakes ..... our english is too
bad !!!!!
beginning we introduce ourselves . . . . . we are Alberto
& Daniela and we live in province of Modena, just to Finale
Emilia, small and calm city of " the modenese lowland
", famous zone for the numerous gastronomic food like
the refined Balsamic
Vinegar of Modena.
Our new gate ...
panels made by our dear friend Mutti Roberto.
You can visit his page on Facebook
or the website at the address www.falegnameriamutti.it
Here how our adventure is begun..........
love for Great Danes has relatively far origins; the first
subject, a harlequin male named Cirus, arrived in the September
of 1989, endured after our wedding. We were to the search
of a dog of large size but at the same time balanced and not
too much exuberant. It was love from the first moment........
successive year, at this point literally in love of this wonderful
Race, we decided to acquire Dasy , harlequin female, than
in future it would have become the prototype of our kennel
(we obviously we did not know it still. . . . )
With both we began to attend the world of the expos and the
satisfactions were not late to arrive. For us it was be a
matter of a new and completely particular experience that
it gave also the opportunity to us to establish some sincere

Cirus (1,5 years old) and Dasy (6 months)
Cirus - 2 years old
in 1992 after the dead premature of our Cirus and from simple
enthusiast (lovers), our first litter : after many vicissitudes,
Dasy it came coupled with the black male Nembo Kid Indios
Dell'Armida and it born 6 puppies.
Four of they (Aris,
Azim, Amy
and Anadyr) soon began to limestone rings Italian and European
and they become ours first Champions!
successive year we tried again and we chose for Dasy a male
Harlequin of German breeding, the great and unforgettable
Ch. Nearco Des Pulckerrimi
It was a connection without doubt criticized because Nearco
represented a model of Great Dane completely different from
that one raised in Italy in that period.
Its 95 cm. at withers and more and its 100 Kg. of weight endered
it a rough dog to the appearance, but we can guarantee you
that the class and the movement were from Number One!
Its important eleven titles, conquered in all Europe, tried
To the end, our " courage " gave its yields: 10
puppies, 8 harlequins withs exceptional coats, 1 black and
1 merle.

The beautiful litter Dasy / Nearco (March
remember 3 females above all, the harlequins champions Brenda
and Bithia and the
black Italian Champion Basie. The first two remained with
us and contributed to increase our the unusual and already
numerous family. Brenda was introduced in all Europe for its
numerous victories (13 Titles obtained in least time!), Bithia
was stopped soon because of a ears problem but she was Reproductor
Champion, Champion of the Year ' 94 (15 months old) and Jugendsiegerin
St. Gallen (CH).
Still now, at a distance nearly 13 years, we succeed to select
harlequins coats of high level and we are sure that good part
of the merit is just from attributing to "papà"
at a distance of 15 years from the first litter, we have 15 subjects and we must admit that is not always simple
: the sacrifices do not lack, the demanded engagement are
too much .....
But it is useless, is more strongly than we!
Once known, Great Dane enters to you in the heart and you
cannot more make some less.

engagement for one correct and serious selection is gradually
become more intense and concrete; we not only place attention
to the morphology understanding like " aesthetic "
but also to the health and the character.
For chosen, we do not make many
puppies/year (our average is of 20), we prefer to have
the possibility to follow everyone of they with the maximum
attention and in order to make this is necessary truly much

All our Danes, even if in Italy is not obligatory, are radiographed
for the control of Hips and Elbows Dysplasia.
The puppies do not leave the kennel before 75-80 days of age
(for a best imprinting it's important that the puppy stay
with his brothers and his mother some weeks), with at least
2 vaccinations, without intestinal parasites and with the microchip.
All the puppies (also the merle) are sold with a "Buying
& Selling contract" to protection of the Buyer but
also, and above all, of the dog.
Every litter born in our kennel, since 1992, is controlled by E.N.C.I. (through the delegation of Modena) that verifies the number, color and sex of pups, and controls the microchip of the mother.
The ASL (local health unit), a couple of times a year, makes official controls in our kennel, issuing the control papers and the approval.

are to Your complete disposition, therefore if wished to have
some information not hesitated to write to us or to telephone
to us.
If instead you have it wants to come to find to us you could
to contact (for telephone or email) some day before in order
to fix an appointment.

attention ...... our is not a traditional kennel !!!!
Our Danes don't live in the box but they are free where they
want (give a glance to the garden!!!). Above all they form
" a brought together group " and perhaps too much
"exuberant". . . . but we like that.
We are of the idea that a Great Dane must " to be lived
" in order to appreciate in full load the wonderful character,
for this we believe that the box it is decidedly to discarding.

are ours results , from 1992 - year of the first litter
(with the average of 20 puppies/year)
80 CHAMPIONS and 309 Awards in the World
24 Italian Champions
14 International Champions
16 Social Champions
11 Club Champions of the Year
13 Reproductor Champions
1 Champion of Monaco
10 Swiss Club Champions
2 Luxemburg Club Champion
5 Luxemburg Champion
4 Luxemburg Young Champion
1 Champion Alsace-Lorena (F)
6 Young Eu.D.D.C Champions.
1 European Promise Genova ' 98
3 Young Luxemburg Club Ch.
1 Champion of COAST RICA
6 Czech Republic Club Champion
3 Motta Trophy
2 Polish Champions
1 Slovenia Champion
9 Interclub Young Champion
5 Interclub Champion
5 Interclub Juniores Champion
2 Interclub Puppy Champion
4 German Clubsieger
1 German Club Young Champion
1 Young Slovakian Champion
1 Slovakian Champion
6 Swiss Champion
1 Saarland Sieger
1 Sieger Baden-Wurttember
2 Romania Young Champion
2 Young Club Champion Romania
1 Portuguese Club Champion
1 Interchampion
1 Young Winner Amsterdam
1 Young Holland Champion
1 Rhein-Lippe Jugendsieger
1 Croatian Ch.
2 Gibilterra Ch.
2 Marocco Ch.
1 Jugendsiegerin St. Gallen (CH)
7 Young Promise E.N.C.I.
5 Young S.l.A Promise.
7 Young Ch. of S. Marino
1 Jugendsiegerin Dornbirn (A)
2 Young Ch. French Club
10 Young Swiss Club Ch.
3 Young Social Champions
8 Club Young Champion of the Year
1 Young Austrian Champion
2 Austrian Champion
2 Bundejugendsiegerin Austria
2 Eu.D.D.C. Siegerin
3 Young Austrian Club Champion
3 Austrian Club Champion
2 Young Slovakian Club Champion
2 Young Czech Club Champion
Young Czech Champion
4 Young Spanish Club Champion
1 Spanish Club Champion
Polish Young Champion
Jugendsiegerin Bayern-Monaco
2 Russia Young Champion
2 Russia Champion
2 Clubsieger KYDD
2 Spain Champion
2 Slovenia Club Champion
1 Young Slovenia Club Champion
3 Hungarian Club Ch.
4 Hungarian Champions
1 Young Hungarian Club Ch.
2 Young Hungarian Champion
2 Mozart Trophy Winner
1 Trofeo Coppa EMILIA 2010
1 Romania Champion
2 Polish Club Champion
1 Bulgarian Champion
3 Serbian Champion
1 Great Serbian Ch.
1 Young Serbian Ch.
1 Winner Amsterdam
1 DDC Jugendchampion
1 VDH Jugendchampion
2 Young Spain Champion
1 European Baby Winner

We won for the 16th year
since 1999 to 2009 and since 2011 to 2015
the Kennel Trophy of the Italian Great Danes Club
for the best Harlequin & Black Great Danes in Italy