At the
of this short " virtual travel " in the Great Dane world we have thought to open one small parenthesis
the Merle color.
As many people
knows, this variety is not recognized by the Standard currently
in vigor in Italy. This color, in fact, is cited between the
defects (disqualifications).
For this reason the puppies of such color are unfortunately
considered the black sheeps (or perhaps it is better to say
grey-black) of the family.

The Merle puppies
differ from " the valuable " harlequins brothers
exclusively for the color of the coat. Morphologically and
characterially they are identical and also as far as the health,
having a genetic patrimony much similar, does not find differences.

Generally the coat has the bottom gray (more or less dark) and the black spots,
but they are enough frequent the Mantle-Merle.
It's important to know that a Merle puppy doesn't born because
the breeding is made without criterion; who uses the Harlequin
in reproduction, also coupling it with a Black or with a
Mantel, knows that the birth of these subjects is unavoidable,
even if not sure.
They are Danes to all the effects, changes alone the color.

Lola (Ute & Usa sister) -
photo & owner Eva Krautkrämer
In France was started a program of
reproduction of the Merle color experiments approved by the
About Italy,
italian Club E.N.C.I. (Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana)
has accepted the F.C.I. norm about the genealogical certificates.
On E.N.C.I. website we can read :
what concern the release of genealogical certificates to the
subjects born from parents enrolled at the Genealocical Book
(L.O.I.), that have a coated not previewed in the standard
of race, has been accepted the norm of F.C.I. in vigor that
previews the registration of such subjects to the Genealogical
Book with the wording "subject not admitted to the reproduction"
in case the coat color is included between the elimination
or disqualification defects or it is not previewed from the
same standard"
it's possible to ask the release of the pedigree also for
the Merle puppies, the only difference is that it will be
written on the document that the subject is not admitted to
the reproduction.
Maybe in the
future the Merle Great Dane will be inserted in the reproduction,
like the other colors, but we think that this is a great
step ahead in the protection of the Merle.
October 2009 - NEW
: the Deutscher Doggen Club (German Club) has proposed the
changing of the Great Dane standard respect the distinction between the defects,
for reproduction but above all about exhibitions.
The great news is about the color MERLE : he will be removed from the list of "elimination
defects" and he will be placed only in the list of defects (no disqualification).
He will be placed in the same ring of Harlequins (he would not be the 6th color)
and he will be regarded as "impure harlequin".
But be careful : the effect of this change will not be soon. The standard should
be changed and must pass several stages before it is published in all countries
of the FCI.

Azul - 16 mesi
(Ch. Muchoformentera delle Cinquanta Nereidi x Thai Del
Castello Delle Rocche)

Castello Delle Rocche Great Danes 2001-2005"
All rights reserved
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